ocr: SAMPLE COSTS Topology Initiol costs Ongoing costs ISDN Hordware: Network terminator- BRI monthly charge ($35 to $45), (NAI somelimes included inthe: line usage: charge 34to 12$ per terminal odapter or BRI port ofa minule. per B channel, costs: de rouler) ferminol adopter about creose o5 coil duration increases). $400,nolneeded if router hos PRImonthly charge (about $450). OBRI port), router port. PRI usoge chorges were unavailable Line instaliation IBRI abouf $140, at press: ume: PRI abour 92,000) Leased line Hardwore: DSU/CSU about Flat rate (can be anywhere trom $350to $1,250), router port a ...